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Frequently Asked Questions

Dedicated Server Hosting is the ultimate in web hosting solutions. In short, dedicated hosting is a solution when you rent an entire physical server for your websites. You do not share this server with anyone so it can be completely configured to meet your specific need. Since all of the resources of the server are yours and you do not have to share them with any other users, you should experience enhanced website performance and stability.

The are a large number of advantages you will experience with Dedicated Server Hosting. Here are just a few of those main advantages:

Reliability - While shared hosting and other solutions are very reliable, you do not share resources with other users on a Dedicated Server. That means those resources are working exclusively towards keeping your site up and running. This is especially true during traffic spikes and other periods when you experience maximum visitor volume. Of course, at HostStark Hosting, we back up your server with our 99.9% Uptime Commitment with reliability isn't a concern!

Performance - Again, you are not sharing resources with any other user so you get the added benefit of all your server's processing power ensuring your website runs at peak performance.

Configuration - With root access on our Core and Unmanaged Servers, you have complete control over how your server is configured. Go ahead and install custom software, configure specific server settings to your liking and get access to your server logs.

Security - You never have to worry about what other users or sites are doing on your server because you're the only one on your server! Best of all, HostStark Hosting manages your security when you select our Core and Managed Server options! We'll take care of the latest security patches and updates!

Scalability - Choosing a Dedicated Server means you'll not only be able to plan for business and website growth, you'll be able to handle that growth with ease. Scalability means you'll experience a number of advantages like having the resources to add new software packages, the ability to handle additional website traffic, processing more orders and keeping up with database growth. Yes, while ordering a new Dedicated Server you can customize the amount of RAM and choose from many Storage options. Furthermore, you can also add GPU, better NIC and many other hardware components. If you want to change your existing Dedicated Server configuration, please contact our support. Please note that Outlet Servers have fixed hardware configurations and cannot be changed.

A Dedicated Server is an excellent hosting solution if you've outgrown Shared Hosting and on your way to needing more resources and more power than a VPS. Here are a few examples of when you should choose a Dedicated Server.

  • You need hosting for a popular blog or you have a high traffic website
  • You run a revenue generating eCommerce website
  • You want to use resource intensive software
  • You have a media rich website with videos, images, podcasts or streaming music
  • Your website is running slowly with your current hosting solution, especially if you have already optimized your site to load quickly
  • You are getting resource usage warnings, like running out of disk space, with your current hosting solution
  • You don't want to be hosted on a server with other sites, particularly for security reasons

Yes, while ordering a new Dedicated Server you can customize the amount of RAM and choose from many Storage options. Furthermore, you can also add GPU, better NIC and many other hardware components. If you want to change your existing Dedicated Server configuration, please contact our support. Please note that Outlet Servers have fixed hardware configurations and cannot be changed.

At HostStark, the choice is yours: Select from a wide range of popular Linux distributions (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, and many others) and Windows Server. You can also use your own license.

That is no problem, please contact our Customer Support Department and we will be happy to offer you the price for an individual Operating System installation by our technical experts.

Sure, no problem. We can add or remove disks for you, equip it with more RAM. Please contact our Customer Support Department with your request and we will inform you about the details, the fee we charge for the tasks and coordinate the time with you when we take care of the maintenance.

Our Datacenter is located in Singapore, if your target customers are based in Asia Pacific, particularly Singapore, geolocated Dedicated hosting packages are the most efficient way to ensure your websites and applications are as close to them as possible and would operate as fast as possible.

Our friendly sales staff take the time to get to know you and your requirements so they can provide you with the best possible solutions at a great price.

At HostStark, anti-DDoS protection is a mandatory feature with all our solutions. It guarantees optimal security for your servers and infrastructures. It is vital, because an attack on your server will affect your business, which can result in reduced earnings, or an interruption in income and if access to your website is saturated, it could flood the common networks and affect other customers

The delivery time is the time it takes for your server to be provided to you. This time period starts once you have paid for your order. It is given as an estimate, and is not a contractual guarantee. Please note that we work hard to deliver products as quickly as possible.

We don’t compromise on quality, so all of our server hardware is maintained 24/7. Our servers also hold a lifetime guarantee for components. In the event of a server component failing, HostStark will replace it automatically for the entire duration of your contract. You will not be charged for these replacement operations.

Can’t Decide? We’re here to help!

Too many choices? We’re here to help. We understand how complex and confusing the web hosting industry can be. HostStark hopes to clear that barrier and help you not only understand what YOU need but also explain what it is you are purchasing. We don't want to send people into a state of confusion like many web hosts do by selling you services you don't understand or solutions that are way more resources then you need. Setup a free technology consultation with our experts. Contact our experts NOW.